Ep. 058 -Eureka Moment: How to Get People to Do What You Want

If you could control anyone at your whim, you’d get help, responses and advice in an instant - what a dream that is…

Back in the real world, everybody has free will, so how exactly do you encourage people in your network to do what you want or need?

In this latest bitesize episode, Gary delivers some invaluable advice on exactly that, which’ll serve you up a gratifying eureka moment!

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Kill them with kindness

  • You have to be sincere

  • The empathy underpinning one magical sentence

Gary Gamp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garygamp

George Clode: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgeclode


“The world has become really disconnected. I don't know if it's just me, maybe people just don't like me, but no one seems to phone me back or follow through!” - 1:30 - Gary Gamp 

“To be fair to people that we're trying to get to do stuff - It's not because they're lazy, don't like us or they forget. It's just because people have got a lot on and it might be more important to you than it is to them.” - 4:00 - Gary Gamp 

“I recognise the situation that people are in and the difficulties they have. But it comes from a place of sincerity. It's not patronising and I'm not doing it to manipulate.” - 8:15 - Gary Gamp


Ep. 059 -Hunting, Hustling, Hired: The Triple H of Career Progression


Ep. 057 -The Personal Energy Epidemic with Optimum Living’s Managing Director, Colette Heneghan