Ep. 059 -Hunting, Hustling, Hired: The Triple H of Career Progression

So you’re out there job hunting - if only there were a formula to take control of your next steps…

Whether you’re suddenly a free agent or you’re claiming agency of your career trajectory, bagging your dream job doesn’t have to be an aimless, scattergun scenario.

Join us on The Company Doctor Podcast for an in-depth look into how to hunt for jobs and hustle your way into them.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Get yourself out the way

  • Master the art of selling yourself

  • Be a social butterfly (with a rocket launcher)

Gary Gamp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garygamp

George Clode: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgeclode


“Set up a war room. Think about which company, or group of companies, that you want to work for.” - 6:45 - Gary Gamp 

“You're a free agent when you're looking for a job, and you should relish that. Because you don't have any ties. You can decide where you live, where you work, who you work with and what you do.” - 16:15 - Gary Gamp

“If you buy a house, it might not have everything you want in the place you want it to be, but it's just a stepping stone. It may not be, but it should be. The same is true with jobs.” - 19:00 - Gary Gamp

“The moment you apply for something on LinkedIn or any public location, you’re immediately competing with the masses, and that’s the last place you want to be.” - 23:00 - Gary Gamp

“Because I'm talking about a multi-platform approach, we're in the 21st century, so why don't you do a video cover letter? That would make you stand out, right?” - 30:30 - Gary Gamp


Ep. 060 -Eureka Moment: How to Magnify the Effect of What You Say


Ep. 058 -Eureka Moment: How to Get People to Do What You Want