Ep. 076 -The Personal Branding Bible
Ask yourself one question: What do you want people to know you for, even before they’ve met you?
Across 75 episodes prior, we’ve been sprinkling superb tips for personal branding perfection, and in this week’s episode of The Company Doctor Podcast, we’re assembling them to form a holy grail for all things personal brand.
Join Gary, George, and a few familiar guests from episodes past, to discover every step on the path to creating a personal brand that sticks.
Key takeaways from this episode:
Personal branding means nothing without consistent behaviours
Decide what you want to be known for
It’s not what you do, but what you’re seen to be doing that counts
Gary Gamp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garygamp
George Clode: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgeclode
“You’ll be putting in all the effort to meet people and to build relationships, but if your personal brand isn't being worked on, and you’re not constantly reinventing yourself, it will have less impact.” - Gary Gamp
“Most think that to get promoted, you need to get results. On the other hand, have you ever seen someone that got promoted who didn't get results?” - Gary Gamp
“It's all very well having some ideas about what your personal brand should be, but if you don't reinforce that with behaviours, they're pointless.” - Gary Gamp
“You're increasing your exposure and your personal brand, but you're reinforcing it with your actions. If you don't have behaviours that emanate your personal brand, your personal brand will never go anywhere. So you've got to bring it to life.” - Gary Gamp
“It's very easy to create a plan, not tell anyone and then not do anything about the inaction part. When you tell someone else, it puts the accountability on you to deliver. You create a commitment, and who knows, they might reciprocate.” - Michael Burle