Ep. 089 - Struggle: Your New Leadership Superpower with Grace Marshall

For many of us, January was a month of struggle and strain, but without struggle we do not grow.

Supercharge your success with an invaluable reframe from an incredible productivity ninja, award-winning author and keynote speaker Grace Marshall.

Turn challenges into a champion’s mindset with Grace’s unmissable insights on episode 89 of The Company Doctor Podcast below! 

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Irritants are catalysts

  • Asking for help is a sign of strength

  • The end of the world as we know it, is the beginning of everything else

Grace Marshall: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gracemarshall/

Struggle: https://gracemarshall.com/struggle/

Gary Gamp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garygamp

George Clode: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgeclode


“Maybe we've got it all wrong about getting it wrong. Maybe our struggle isn't just the thing that we need to get rid of. Maybe there's an opportunity here, because a lot of our innovations come from our struggle, a lot of our growth, our learning. In fact, if we're willing to get curious about it, we might find that it's where we do our best work.” - 2:25 - Grace Marshall

“If it's a difficult conversation, curiosity will activate your empathy, and you'll start to notice different perspectives, nuances and possibilities.” - 10:00 - Grace Marshall

“If fear is telling me this is a problem, what if it's not? What if this gave us permission to do something completely new?” - 20:50 - Grace Marshall

“If you know everything, you’re not growing.” - 22:10 - Grace Marshall

“Don’t underestimate the power of rest and pause. We often see rest as a sign of weakness. But if you see rest as the thing that fuels you and the thing that helps your recovery, that's the pause.” - 26:00 - Grace Marshall


Ep. 090 - How to Scale a Business When the World Keeps Changing with Ben Ramsdale and Martin Cross


Ep. 088 - Too busy at work, here’s why- 3 tips that you didn't see coming