Ep. 073 -Leveraging Your Superpowers with Adele Leah

What if you could pick the brains of one of the brightest minds to have been an exemplary leader at YouTube and Twitter?

In most superhero stories, heroes start with no clue how to use their powers. If that’s you now, good news: it’s time to discover your powers and leverage them!

One of Adele Leah’s superpowers is helping others to discover their own, and in this week’s episode of The Company Doctor Podcast, she’ll teach you the secrets to uncovering what’s hidden within you…

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Work struggle can be a crisis, or an opportunity

  • Get an external view on what you’re best at

  • Follow what gives you energy

Gary Gamp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garygamp

George Clode: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgeclode

Adele Leah:  https://www.adeleleah.com/




“Often, our superpowers are our blind spots. It’s the things we take for granted, and think everyone can do, so we don’t give them value. They’re hard to spot unless you put intention on finding them.” - 5:15 - Adele Leah

“I think having a bad time at work starts as a crisis, and then if you ride through it, it can become an opportunity. They say that the breakthrough is on the other side of a breakdown, but you have to get through the breakdown first!” - 10:05 - Adele Leah

“When we're energised, and we're doing the role that's right for us, with the people that are right for us, in the place that's right for us, we can't not shine.” - 17:00 - Adele Leah

“If you want to leverage a superpower, ask a close colleague what you’re great at, so you have that external view.” - 24:30 - Adele Leah


Ep. 072 - Resilience Doesn't Equal Brilliance: Building Fortitude with Bruce Daisley